Monday, October 15, 2007

Journal Entry #21

How to Lose Ten Pounds in Two Days

It is so hard to lose ten pounds only in two days, so you just use cosmetic surgery. Just many hours, doctor will cut a lot of fat out from your body. You will have many day after to regain heath. But after that, your weight could increase again if you still remain the old way of living. This is a unsafe method to lose your weight. Furthermore, It could be dangerous. I do not know another method to lose weight only in two days. However, there are several better methods of losing weight, but people must spent more time to lose their weight. One of those is doing exercise as much as you could to burn fastly your calories. There are many exercises such as boxing, karate, tawoondo,etc.. Other method is dieting. You should drink water, pure fruit juice, eat as little as you could, forget meat, just eat fresh vegetable. If you forget eating for two days, just drink water, you could lose many pounds. But after no eating, you eat a lot, so the opposite result will happen. With two above methods, you must have to be patient, or determined to lose your weight. In conlution, some people choose the first unsafe method, because it spent a short time, and be sure to have result; however, other poeple choose two above safer methods.

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