Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Journal Entry #24

Burger King(BK) and Mc Donald's (McD's) are very popular fast-food chains in American. However, McD's is a much bigger system of restaurant on virtually very corner than BK. They have many main traits for your option. Both of BK and McD's have equally price. Having $4 to $5, you would get the meal consisted of a sandwich, fries, and a soda; however, McD's is little cheaper than BK. Furthermore, BK seems to have many better fast-food. BK hamburgers are always broiled, not stuck in microwaves. Many persons said that they like BK more than Mc'D because BK have better taste . However, many kids like McD's more than because of many free little toy. To sum up, I think BK is better choice.

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