Monday, October 15, 2007

Journal entry #22

How to make your favorite dish. Give the recipe and instructions for making your favorite dish. See the example on page 105 (Eggs).

Fried Chicken Wing with Fish Sauce

This cuisine is a delicious Vietnamese dish. It is not much time to cook, and people usually treat their guests to this. To prepare this cuisine, you need chicken wings, oil, fish sauce, sugar, pepper, salt, garlic,..First, you wash carefully chicken wings with salt, and dry these wings with blotting-paper. Second, you make the mixture of chicken wings, fish sauce, garlic, sugar, and pepper for a half of a hour. Next, you put a frying pan over high heat, and then, fill the frying pan with oil. After having the burning oil, pour the mixture into oil. When the chicken skin become brown-yellow. You can prepare this with salad, tomato. This picture can help you have clear image of this cuisine. In conclusion, I really like it and actually It is my delicious favorite cuisine.

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